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Available Online
Virtual Private YogaNidra
A private yoga class designed around your needs and abilities via Zoom
1 hr1 hOnline Session
70 British pounds
Service Description
Who doesn’t need a deep relaxation practice that melts all tensions, negative emotions, and worries away? If you’ve answered yes, then, you are in the right spot. This session will provide relaxation and peace, but energized at the same time. Unsure of what Yoga Nidra is? It’s not another yoga style or method, but rather conscious sleep. To put it simply, it is like the moment you are falling asleep but you are still conscious. Yoga Nidra it’s a bridge between subconscious & unconscious, and our conscious experience; is a practice for deep relaxation and allows you to release stress to find balance within.
Contact Details
Kinross, Scotland, UK
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